Changing your eating habits is certainly one of the most important choices you can make when you find out you have developed Type 2 diabetes. Unfortunately it's true, if you don't change your eating habits, your body will continue to have high blood sugar and problems with insulin carrying out its role. Once you have Type 2 diabetes, or even prediabetes, it's really important to take action and eliminate the unhealthy food you have been eating for the past 10 years. If you continue eating processed and fast foods and try to ignore the disease, you will likely end up with some very life-threatening complications.

Thankfully, there are easy ways for you to change your eating habits. In this day and age, there are lots of different options available to you in the grocery store and even fast food restaurants. You can always get a salad, grilled chicken sandwich or even vegetables. It's all about making decisions and carrying out the changes in order to return your body to a healthy state.

One effective way to change your eating habits is by planning ahead. Instead of flying by the seat of your pants, make sure you plan your meals in advance. This might mean putting something in the crockpot so you have dinner waiting for you when you arrive home from work. Not planning ahead is often one of the biggest problems for people who are overweight.

Another way to help you change your eating habits is by packing snacks. Taking snacks with you in a small cooler or even in little bags in your purse, will help you avoid stopping for snacks that aren't so healthy. Focus on snacks like nuts and even small amounts of dried fruit. You can also carry an apple, banana or other easy to carry fruits with you. Although, it is important to make sure you have protein to balance out the sugar in the fruit.

Finally, do not be so strict with yourself when it comes to eating. If you try to come up with a very strict diet plan that only allows you to eat certain foods at certain times, you are going to quickly become discouraged. Most people cannot maintain a diet along those lines, for years on end. Remember you are looking for a lifestyle change you can maintain from now and well into the future.
Eat a balanced diet containing fruits, vegetables and complex carbohydrates as well as lean proteins. By having a moderate diet, you can greatly lower your blood sugar, lose weight, and even reverse your Type 2 diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes is not a condition you must just live with. It need not slowly and inevitably get worse. Now is the time to take control of the disease... and take back your health. You are in control!

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