Heartburn can cause a painful burning in the Chest, stomach, throat or upper intestinal area. Heartburn is commonly called as indigestion or acid indigestion, it is typically described as painful burning that appears in the middle and lower part of the mid-chest that may extend or refer to the upper abdomen. People who experience heartburn more than twice a week may be diagnosed with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), but some people with GERD do not experience symptoms.

Cause of Heartburn

Unfortunately, all possible causes of heartburn have not yet been identified. Sometimes heartburn results when the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) opens improperly. The LES is a muscular ring near the base of the esophagus that acts as a valve between the esophagus and stomach. When this valve is open, acidic stomach contents can move upward into the throat, which may cause the burning sensation of indigestion or heartburn.

Other conditions that may cause heartburn include:

    * Hiatus Hernia
    * Obesity
    * Pregnancy, often increasing with the growth of the baby
    * Smoking

Diet can also trigger heartburn. A few examples include:

    * acidic foods such as tomato-based sauces and citric fruits and juices
    * spicy foods and those that contain garlic and/or onion
    * flavorings such as mint and peppermint
    * chocolate
    * caffeine in foods or drinks (decaffeinated drinks still contain caffeine)
    * alcohol
What can I do about it?

Though you may not be able to eliminate heartburn entirely, you can take steps to minimize your discomfort:

    * Avoid food and beverages that cause you gastrointestinal distress. The usual suspects are carbonated drinks; alcohol (which you should avoid anyway during pregnancy); caffeine; chocolate; acidic foods like citrus fruits and juices, tomatoes, mustard, and vinegar; processed meats; mint products; and spicy, highly seasoned, fried, or fatty foods.

    * Don't eat big meals. Instead, eat several small meals throughout the day. Take your time eating and chew thoroughly.

    * Avoid drinking large quantities of fluids during meals — you don't want to distend your stomach. (It's important to drink eight to ten glasses of water daily during pregnancy, but sip it between meals.)

    * Try chewing gum after eating. Chewing gum stimulates your salivary glands, and saliva can help neutralize acid.

    * Don't eat close to bedtime. Give yourself two to three hours to digest before you lie down.

    * Sleep propped up with several pillows or a wedge. Elevating your upper body will help keep your stomach acids where they belong and will aid your digestion.

    * Gain a sensible amount of weight, and stay within the guidelines your health care provider suggests.

    * Wear loose, comfortable clothing. Avoid any tightness around your waist and tummy.

    * Bend at the knees instead of at the waist.

    * Don't smoke — in addition to contributing to a host of serious health problems, smoking boosts stomach acidity. (Ideally, smoking is a habit you should break before getting pregnant. If you're still smoking and are having trouble quitting, ask your caregiver for a referral to a smoking-cessation program.)
   * An over-the-counter antacid that contains magnesium or calcium may ease discomfort, but check with your prenatal caregiver before taking one, because some brands contain aluminum or aspirin or are high in sodium.

If these measures don't help, talk to your caregiver about prescription heartburn medications that are safe during pregnancy.

If you suffer from occasional, chronic or acute indigestion then this website is for you.  The information may help with such topics as:

Acid Reflux Cures
Causes For Heartburn
Acid Reflux Disease Diet
Acid Reflux Diet For Control
Digestive Enzymes Encyclopedia
Remedies Heartburn
Indigestion Causes
Cures For Heartburn
Digestive Enzymes Detox

Indigestion, also known as upset stomach or dyspepsia, is discomfort or a burning feeling in the upper abdomen, often accompanied by nausea, abdominal bloating, belching, and sometimes vomiting.

Indigestion might be caused by a disease in the digestive tract, but for many people, it results from eating too much, eating too quickly, eating high-fat foods, or eating during stressful situations. Smoking, drinking too much alcohol, using medications that irritate the stomach lining, being tired, and having ongoing stress can also cause indigestion or make it worse.

Some people have persistent indigestion that is not related to any of these factors. This type of indigestion called functional or non ulcer dyspepsia may be caused by a problem in the muscular squeezing action of the stomach (motility).

To diagnose indigestion, the doctor might perform tests for problems, like ulcers. In the process of diagnosis, a person may have x rays of the stomach and small intestine or undergo endoscopy, in which the doctor uses an instrument to look at the inside of the stomach.

The best way to avoid the indigestion is to get rid of the foods and situations that seem to cause indigestion excess of stomach acids does not cause indigestion, antacids are not an appropriate treatment, but it helps in some cases. Smokers can help relieve their indigestion by quitting smoking, or at least not smoking right before eating. one of the cause of heartburn or acid indigestion is exercising with a full stomach, exercising with a full stomach may results into indigestion, so scheduling exercise before a meal, or at least three hours afterward might help.

The best way to treat indigestion caused by a functional problem in the digestive tract system is to consult a doctor, the doctor may prescribe medicine that affects stomach motility.

Acid indigestion may cause further more serious diseases, so people should see your doctor if they have the signs of heartburn or frequent indigestion problems. people must see a doctor if they have the following problems:

* Vomiting, weight loss, or appetite loss

* Black tarry stools or blood in vomit

* Severe pain in the upper right abdomen

* Discomfort unrelated to eating

* Indigestion accompanied by shortness of breath, sweating, or pain radiating to the jaw, neck, or arm

We offer some very simple and effective indigestion solutions, to help relieve and indigestion and prepare your body to resist future incidents. These products are all natural, FDA regulated and are documented to be free of negative side effects.


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